
“Guitar” Comes Alive!

One of the oddities of my life is the enduring interest people express in my long-ago musical career.  I still get mail about my records, concerts, guitar pedal-capo, touring with Alex de Grassi and Michael Hedges, and so on.  It’s odd because I haven’t recorded or performed in decades....


Michael Hedges II: Merger & Magic

I first heard Michael Hedges’s Breakfast in the Field when Windham Hill Records sent me a copy (vinyl) upon its release.  By then, my Windham Hill record, Willow, had been out for two years, and during that time I’d been doing a lot of concerts with Alex de Grassi,...


Michael Hedges: Musical Charisma

In writing this series of posts about Meetings With Remarkable People, I’ve been  reluctant to write about living ones. Why? First, I worry that the individuals I’m portraying might not appreciate my perspectives; I’m sure Nina Gitana and Bill Lederer would take exception to much of what I’ve written...
